Category Business

New York Online Poker

New York has long been at the forefront of gambling, legalizing pari-mutuel horse racing in 1939 and charitable bingo in 1957 before legalizing land-based casinos in 2013 and sports betting and racinos by late 2016. Unfortunately, online poker and casino…

How to Program Forex Robots

Forex Robots are computer programs that trade on behalf of traders based on a trading strategy they have been programmed with. Forex robots can trade 24 hours a day, automatically analyzing market conditions and identifying trading opportunities before automatically placing…

How Do Poker Machines Work?

Poker machines can be like an irresistibly alluring siren song for people struggling with gambling addiction. Their alluring glow draws people in even though they know it can lead to money losses and worse outcomes in life. But what exactly…

What’s the Best Lottery Game to Play?

Millions of Americans participate annually in lottery draws with hopes of finding their lucky day and winning thousands – or millions! While luck plays a significant role, one mathematician has revealed that players should strategically select which lottery game to…

How to Play a Keno Lottery Game

Keno involves choosing numbers from an 80-number pool at random; every number stands an equal chance of being drawn. Players often select numbers with personal significance to them such as birthdays or anniversaries; however, this does not increase their odds…

Can I Make Money With Forex Trading?

Many are drawn to Forex because it seems like an easy way to make money. But understanding the complexities of the Forex market and developing sound trading strategies are both necessary before any money can be made from Forex trading.…

Which Casino Games Have the Best Odds?

Gambling can be both exciting and frustrating; knowing which games have better odds can increase your chances of success. While the best gambling games provide incredible odds, the worst can drain both time and money from you without anything tangible…

How to Choose a Forex Robot

Forex robots are software programs created according to specific trading strategies that can trade on behalf of traders day and night. Utilizing technical signals, forex robots use automated trading processes that either assist traders on the market, or fully automate…