Category Lifestyle & Fashion

How Does a Forex Trading Robot Work?

Forex trading robots (commonly referred to as EAs on MetaTrader 4) are software programs that constantly monitor market data and react accordingly by opening and closing trades. While some robots operate automatically, others require some amount of manual intervention from…

Are There Poker Machines in Canberra?

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is home to around 4,000 poker machines located at various licensed venues such as clubs, pubs and restaurants. These games remain immensely popular among both locals and visitors as they provide an engaging gaming experience.…

Can Gorillas Travel on a Line High Above the Trees?

These herbivorous mammals consume stems, bamboo shoots, fruits and invertebrates as dietary staples; their diet also includes bark roots and invertebrates. They spend approximately half their day foraging for food before relaxing or resting. Communication occurs through vocalizations, visual signals…

How to Travel on the Boston Line

Though most of the Red Line runs underground, it does occasionally surface briefly at Charlestown and Washington Street elevated railways on its route from South Station Transportation Center into Boston Common and Copley Square before ending up downtown Boston. Additionally,…

Can Crypto Currencies Merge?

After years of massive losses and regulatory scrutiny, crypto could use some good news, and just received it: Ethereum blockchain will undergo a major upgrade or merge that will switch it from proof of stake to proof of stake and…